Creating a brand from scratch with a lot of taste.
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Gosto com Gosto was the result of a passionate chef who wanted to have his own restaurant that was more than just a food serving venue, he wanted to create food that is truly unique, the freshest ingredients served in a combination of truly delicious flavours. This was a project that Organik can truly be proud of as we have created a brand from the ground up.
We started with the name, a name the reflects the passion of the people that produce the food, but also that create if for the enjoyment of their clients. Gosto com Gosto means Taste with Taste, a play on words were taste also means tasteful, and truly a reflection of the venue itself.

The logo was a result of the passion for creating something truly tasty and tasteful, our inspiration was in the lines created by chefs when decoration their creations, the final touches in a truly masterful piece. The small caps g is created with this line in mind as if designed by a chefs spoon when drawing a line on a plate.